What's New?
As I sit out on the porch listing to tunes and updating this blog I can't help be inspired by the nice weather we are finally having this spring day. It is spring, right? Although I haven't written or talked much about what I have done over the winter, I have been busy. Because I haven't a studio it is hard to do shoots unless I do them on site or brave the cold weather on a location shoot. But now that spring is in the air there are a few people who have approached me about creating family portraits. I am ready and have a lot of ideas for future shoots and can't wait until the green and warmer days start to appear!
Although I had not created a lot of images this winter, I still was working on some photography none the less. First I was privileged to update the St Luke's Laboratory Staff Portraits that adorn the wall. Since I had been gone the task of creating and putting photos up of new staff has not gone to a photographer. Needless to say when I came back I could not let the contrast of the professional portraits against the mugshot go on much longer. I also created images of the happenings and stuff around the lab as well. It exercised my creative illustration/documentary skills so that we can show the patients that there is more than blood we deal with in the lab.
There were a lot of photographs that I really liked but one that stood out was the cutting up of breast tissue. That's right, the dissection of a patient's breast tissue and I got to photograph it. Now I have no idea who's it was or the story behind it, because of the HIPAA Law, what I do know is it was interesting to personally witness the careful dissection and collection of tissue to further diagnose this person's condition. Even though I work at the lab, there are a lot of things I don't get to see on any given day. The Histology Department has been a one of those places in the lab I don't get to see what goes on. It's not because it's off limits, in fact nothing is off limits for me to witness there, it's because I don't always have the time to hang out there. Especially when you are on the clock and there are people who need their blood drawn.
I also hung out in the Micro Department where I got to photograph things growing on plates and people working with them. I was especially pleased with the portrait I got of Nick working on a plate. I thought it would look great on the wall of the reception area of the lab as well as my portfolio. Again I got to learn more about the micro lab than I had before shooting photographs.

When I wasn't creating photographs of staff and the goo they work with, I was working on continuing education, specifically posing as well as lighting. I picked up a few classes on line on posing people both in groups and single subjects. I sometimes feel that I struggle with this and have always looked for ways to improve. These classes were taught by the leading photographers of the day. As of today I am still working through a class and once I am done I know the lessons I have learned there will show up in my sitting. I'm excited to get started.
On my last post back in February I talked about my health and how I was taking control over it. Since then I have completed my yearly physical and for the most part I passed with flying colors. Where I am still struggling with is the cholesterol issue, specifically it staying on the boarder line. My doctor was not too worried because I still have some weight to loose and now that spring is here I should be able to drive the bicycle to work more often.
With that I would say; if you are needing to update your families photographs this year let me know. Because I work every third weekend I don't have a lot of those dates open. You can call me or leave me an email to set up an appointment. I look forward to talk to you.