
Have your portraits created in an environment that complements your personality. Whether it would be in the city, a favorite park or in a rustic natural setting, together we can create portraits that you will be excited to place on the walls of your home and social media page. Your finished session will come with 10-15 finished images on a flash drive ready to create large prints, post on your social media page as well as proofs of your images.
Session Fee: $150 for hour and half session.
Additional time $30 per hour.
Cosplay Portrait Series

A lot of time and effort goes into a costume that is created for the individual who participate in Cosplay Conventions. For those who dawn the costumes for the occasional convention or make a living at it, a simple snap shot will not truly capture the full concept and impact of their efforts. So why not set up a portrait session that will fully capture your character at it’s best? Before the images are created, a consultation session is scheduled to hammer out the details of your character and the portrait concept. Once the images are captured the creation of the composites and special effects are created to yield 6 to 8 images you can post on your social media pages or personal website.
Session Fee: $300
Senior Portrait Session

Senior Sessions:
This hour and half session in which we will complete between 15 to 20 finished images to choose from. These images will then be posted on your own password protected web page to share with family and friends. Once the portraits are posted the images will be placed on a flash drive as well as made in to proofs. Prior to the session we will have a FREE consultation session to create a road map of your session so that we get the most of our time while meeting your portrait needs
This three hour session will have between 30 to 40 images to choose from that will be displayed on your own password protected web page to share with friends and family You will also receive a flash drive and proofs soon after your web page goes live. Once again you will have a FREE consultation session to create a road map of your session so that we get the most of our time while meeting your portrait needs
Have your Senior Session stretch over one year. Imagine having your Senior Session encompass the seasonal changes along with any sports or activities you are involved with captured in portraits. This session will have the potential of 60 images to choose from that will be placed on a password protected web page for you to share with friends and family. You will also receive a custom hard cover 11.5 x 8 10 page book to display at your graduation party or share with family and friends. Once each session is processed and posted you will soon receive a USB with the proofs or you can choose to receive the them all once the year has ended. Each session will be preempted with a consultation before each portrait session to ensure we make the best use of time and to get the best images we need.
Ordering Prints
We all live busy lives and sometime it is hard to set out to the Photo Lab to have the prints made. Not to worry, I would be more than happy to do the job for you. By expressing your need during the consultation session I will set up the your custom web page so you can order and pay for your portraits. Once they are processed they will be packaged up and sent to you. Have family and friends that want portraits, then this is the best way for them to get the portraits they want and sent to them without you having to juggle orders and sending them out.
Pet Portrait Session

As a pet owner I have had a handful of dogs and cats that have been very special to me and being a photographer, I have been lucky enough to create their portraits. With that, I would love to extend portrait session to your favorite four-legged friend. Book your session for an outdoor or indoor session with family members or by themselves. Your completed session will have 8-12 completed high resolution images you can print to any size you wish, as well as share on your social media page. Call or email me for booking sessions.