
Well it is the spring equinox and I am ready to take on a new project. For the next 90 days I am, to the best of my abilities, create a photo a day. I have done this before and I think I need to do this again to get back into shooting shape.

My method to this madness is this. I will post one photo a day for the next 90 days and writer a quick explanation of it. Each week I will pick a theme and for that week I will create an image in that theme. At the end of the following week I will create a podcast on the photos of that week in which I will critique the photos and pick my favorite one. For example, this week I am creating photos in which a frame must be part of the photo. At the end of next week, I will post a podcast on the photos of the frame theme.

So here is the first image I’m posting today. It was created looking out my porch. As you can see the America flag and my STD flag (Stop The Donald). Supporting my country while exercising my freedom of speech. How best to frame the idea of what America is about


Under The Bridge


Quick Start