My son Colin has just started a new job with Davey Resource Group and last weekend he was home from a the week long training session. Now Colin chose, like a lot of his generation, to forgo school and jump into a career. Now understand my wife and I, who both have degrees from Mt Mercy College, thought this was not a wise choice not to at least learn a trade at a trade school. We both believe that continuing your education beyond high school will put you into a place of a richer and more fulfilled life. By richer I mean a more well rounded view of the world and not necessarily rich in the monetary way. We want him to be the best we know that he can be and what parent wouldn’t want that?
Well like any kid fresh out of high school he took a few jobs that were not in his best interest. The vacuum job was the worst. When he talked about the job it sounded too good to be true, and it was. All he had to do is make presentations of the products and the environmental benefits they have for you. He had to complete sixty showings in a month and he would get three thousand plus commission on sales. The twist is the products are expensive and whether you had taken every show you could, the company did not always have enough shows to give you to make your quota. RIP OFF. He learned quickly and quit in the first month.
He got this job and for the most part he likes it. He gets to be outside which he likes and it is physical, which he also likes. Colin’s job is to mark and report on conditions of poles and lines that energy companies own. Simple true but he can move up in the company or branch out to the tree part of the company. The great thing is that Davey Resource Group is a branch of the Davey Tree Company that has been around for years. In fact my father remembers their ads in the National Geographic when he was a kid, and he is almost ninety.
Before he went back to his training I created this portrait of him. Despite his choice in not continuing his education in college or a trade school, I am proud of his choice in this job with Davy. Who knows maybe it will be the career that leads him to big things?