Friday Packup
First Reveal
Starting Over
I have noticed that my last postings are just under two years old. Not going to fill you full of a “catch up” story. Now that covid19 is slowing down, and hopefully for some time, I can get back to what I love to do. Create Images and tell you about them. Here is one of my many posts of what my “going forward” is going to look like. Well, as close as I can get it.
Read MoreBikes I'd like to Buy
I am not all about photography, I do have hobbies outside of creating photographs and one happens to be cycling. Someday I hope to combined the two together into one site. For now I’ll post from time to time my cycling for you to enjoy.
What Time Has Done To My Photo
Time and the Cedar River has drastically changed the area I had created a photograph of.
Read MoreWhat I`ve Done
Working on Backbone Images and thinking about the goals I set out for this year. I might have to scale back a bit
Read MoreCovid19 #2
in podcast
We're Back
in podcast
The clean out
Well the clean out is going slow but steady. If I wasn’t so embarrassed by the accumulation of junk that littered the space, I would have shown you a before shot. Instead I will give a quick pick of a small pile of fabric for now and when it is mostly cleared out, I’ll post a photo.
While I’ve been cleaning I have run across images I’ve printed and framed from the past. They are in good shape but need a place to hang. I’ve also run across a few wedding photos that used to hang on the wall. It would be nice to do something with them for our 25th Anniversary come December. I’ll have to think on it.
Progress is slow but moving forward. I hope that the next post will have a cleared space for you to see. Until then have a great week.
Going Silent
Top 10 Photo of the Year
Top 5 Images
I know it was a long time coming but here it is finally , my top 5 images of the Backbone State Park trip!
Read MoreBack Bone Odyssey 2019
Ailuro: Her Story
If your interested in the catch and release program for feral cats, then click on the link below for the Cedar Rapids Area.
I got Published!
Iowa Outdoors Magazine:
The Next Fall Project
It is time to move on and create images of a new place. Watch my video and see where my next project will take me.
Read MoreVideo and Fall
Video Update and Fall is coming
Read MoreThe Print Shop
A life’s End
Back in September 2014 I created an image of this tree as a part of my 90-day project. Part of this project was to not only create an image but to tell a story about the photograph. This was day two’s image, and this is what I wrote.
“I was drawn to this tree due to the low branch a few feet above the ground and the almost stereotypical hole that needs an owl to fill it. The texture of the tree and the branches gave this tree this character of something from a book. And you know its old because you can almost read a story about its life here, the people who lived there and the events over the years in the bark of the tree and the twists of the branches.”
Well this spring when I was walking my dog, I visited the tree and come to find it in not so good of shape the branches were bare where other trees were sprouting leaves. Still, we had a wet season there maybe some hope. As the season changed it became clear that the tree had died and soon it too would be cut down.
Today was the day that the tree was cut down.